Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Iliad Paragraphs - 1553 Words

Plot for â€Å"The Golden Apple† – â€Å"Ship Gathering†: In the beginning, Eris, the goddess of discord, cunningly left a deceitful apple engraved with â€Å"To the fairest† at the wedding of King Peleus. Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite all immediately clashed over this pseudo-gift. Towards the middle, the three goddesses (Athena, Hera, and Aphrodite) became weary of their argument and, spying young Paris, found an end to their bitter rivalry. Together, they presented the apple to the herder and bade him to pick she who most deserved the gift. Each goddess offered him something different- her own exchange gift- but in the end, Paris chose Aphrodite. The Goddess of Love won his favor by offering Paris a woman who far surpassed any other in sheer loveliness.†¦show more content†¦Nestor bid Patroclus- Achilles’ closest friend- to â€Å"Tell you lord Achilles that if he himself has still no stomach for the fighting, then he should send†¦ another captain† (pg. 60-61). While most people attacked Achilles directly f or his insistence to refrain from fighting, Nestor shows demonstrates his sharp mind by smoothly slipping in a disguised barb to be delivered by someone Achilles trusts. As a warrior, Achilles would react poorly to some old man saying he has lost his guts. The sort of wisdom Nestor possesses can only be gained by age and being constantly vigilant. Compare/Contrast for â€Å"Battle for the Ships† – â€Å"Armor of Achilles†: Between Achilles and his brother of arms, Patroclus, there exists a multitude of similarities as well as differences. For example, both men want lustfully crave battle- even if Achilles’ grief held him away- and Patroclus pleaded with his friend to â€Å"let [him] lead out the Myrmidons in you stead† (pg. 70) because Achilles was content to remain in his tent. And since Achilles gave Patroclus permission, it showed displayed how deep down, Achilles still longed desperately to join the chaotic bloodshed but held back due to his infuriating stubbornness. While battle-hunger is a similarity between the men, it also shows a key difference in their characters. Patroclus stood by Achilles’ decision to withdraw from the fightShow MoreRelatedComparing The Iliad And The Odyssey905 Words   |  4 PagesThis short essay will identify five traditional epic characteristics that are evident in both the Iliad and the Odyssey. The first epic characteristic evident in both epics is catalogs and genealogies. For instance, Book VIII of the Odyssey features a list of participants in the game (115-125) and the Iliad Book II features a catalog of ships (484-759). Secondly, both epics start in media res. 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