Saturday, April 25, 2020

Why Does My Professor Always Hoot Down My Paper Topics?

Why Does My Professor Always Hoot Down My Paper Topics?I'm sure we've all been annoyed by it at some point: My professors always hoot down my paper topics. Why do they do that? And should we just get used to it?There's a simple reason why professors hoot down paper topics. It's not because they dislike your topic. It's because they've already picked a topic for the semester and they know it'll be good for their class.As a student, I remember how much my professors loved doing research. They just loved it. The thing is, they were able to find ideas, tools, etc. that they didn't have to pay for on their own because they had a class and assignments to do.Now, they use those ideas, tools, etc. to teach the class and create lessons.Now, afterward, they write up a final and a syllabus for that class and they want you to fill out the assignment and the class syllabus. Now, if you didn't come up with your own idea or tool or anything, but rather read about it somewhere, you will not get cred it for your work in this class.That's why writing a paper is so important, as long as you can't make up anything. You will write a paper just like everyone else, except you'll have something to put down on paper.In that way, your professor can pick up on your work, test it out, and so on. Unfortunately, they will also notice that you're using a lot of your classmates' works. As much as I hate to say it, they don't usually pick up on it unless you give them an idea that they can relate to.What I mean is, if you're copying other students naturals. That's simply because you didn't know what you were doing, especially if you don't have any experience with it. They could call that plagiarism, and they would.

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